Did you realise that the chances are high that you’ve never ever tasted honey? The majority of us are unaware of the second, more natural variety of honey, the wild honey, since most commercial settings only sell refined, processed honey.
Raw honey is honey that has not been pasteurised and has not had its pollen filtered out. Since raw honey crystallises quickly, supermarkets do not sell it. And when honey starts to crystallise, uninformed customers stop buying it because they assume sugar has been added to it.

What is Wild Raw Honey?
The fact that wild raw honey is obtained directly from wild beehives and wildflowers sets it apart from conventional farmed honey in important ways. On the other hand, cultured honey is refined before it is put into bottles.
Allow us to guide you through the procedure. After the honey is extracted from wild beehives or bee boxes, it is filtered to remove dirt, pieces of honeycomb, bee pollen, and microscopic pieces of bee wing. As a result, you are given the purest, cleanest, highest-quality wild honey, which has a denser consistency and a richer flavour.
Is Wild Honey Safe to Consume?
Since we filter wild honey to remove all pollutants, it has no negative side effects and doesn’t fundamentally harm health. Wild honey might not be the best option, though, if you have a pollen allergy. Additionally, eating wild raw honey should be avoided by children under the age of one to prevent infant botulism due to its heavier and thicker texture.
What are the Benefits of Wild Raw Honey?
Because cultured honey is pasteurised, many of its therapeutic and nutritional benefits are otherwise lost. However, wild honey retains these benefits. Here are some advantages of wild honey:
Beating Cough and Cold
Since ancient times, honey has been the foundation of many different cough and cold remedies. One of the best ways to soothe a sore throat is with this remedy. In addition to battling the infection and easing symptoms, it also has anti-microbial qualities.
The honey made from eucalyptus blossoms is the most effective type to use for treating cough and cold symptoms. The cunning honey bees also consumed the eucalyptol chemical that was naturally present in the flower while collecting nectar from the eucalyptus blossom. If you have a cough or cold, eucalyptus and honey can be a lifesaver.
Smooth and Supple Skin
There are two ways that wild honey affects the skin. It provides the skin with necessary anti-oxidants that can delay skin aging when ingested. It serves as a fantastic moisturiser when used topically. It moisturises, nourishes, and maintains the skin supple and silky. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to reduce acne and enhance the skin.
Boosting the Immunity
One can only have a healthy immune system in a healthy body. Honey gives the body the vitamins, necessary minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants it needs to stay healthy. Additionally, it has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Honey has the potential to boost the immune system when frequently taken and accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.
Wild honey has several health benefits and is a better choice than cultivated or processed honey. Wild raw honey has a wealth of therapeutic benefits in addition to being a pleasant and nutritious alternative to white sugar since it helps people avoid gaining unhealthily excessive weight. For more information contact us at Jaiviksmart or email at contact@jaiviksmart.com